Enjoying a couple of drinks after work with friends and colleagues is something that happens every day in Louisiana. Many people may not be aware of the impact that even a small amount of alcohol can have on one’s ability to safely drive a car. Tragically, accidents can occur as a result of drunk driving and are sometimes fatal.

A man from Prairieville was recently convicted and sentenced to prison regarding the death of a young woman. He was driving home after having had a few drinks and reportedly failed to stop at a traffic light and collided with the car driven by the woman. The impact caused the woman’s car to hit a utility pole and she died as a result of her injuries.

The driver of the other car initially fled the scene but was apprehended a short time later. A Breathalyzer test was administered and the driver was found to have a blood alcohol level of .015, which is nearly twice the legal limit. The man was charged with vehicular homicide and entered a plea of guilty. He was sentenced to 10 years with a possibility of parole after five years.

Being charged with drunk driving in Louisiana can be a frightening prospect, especially if a fatality is involved. The consequences for one’s future may seem insurmountable and a person’s inclination may be to accept the consequences. It is important to remember that anyone accused of a crime is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law. When collecting evidence in the field, there are rules and procedures that the law enforcement officers must follow. A person facing charges may wish to seek the counsel of a criminal defense attorney who can help to assess whether proper procedures were followed and who can protect one’s rights throughout the criminal justice process.