Perhaps this is the last summer before your freshman year of college begins, or the last couple of weeks before you begin an exciting new job. It is a very special time, and there will be many get-togethers with friends.

Alcohol will no doubt figure into certain festivities, and the question of drinking and driving may come up. If law enforcement arrests you on suspicion of DUI, how would a conviction affect your plans for the future?

Education concerns

You may be on your way to college, but what if you want to go on to graduate school? Like potential employers, college admissions personnel routinely run background checks on applicants. The DUI on your record may make it more difficult for you to receive an acceptance to the school of your choice. It may also block you from certain professions. For example, if you want to become a doctor, nurse, teacher or attorney, that DUI mark may disqualify you from obtaining the necessary certification or state licensing the position requires.

Work issues

If you are about to start a new job, a DUI conviction could actually cause you to lose it if the position involves driving. One of the qualifications may be a clean driving record. If a DUI mark has tarnished yours since your hire date, your employer may have to follow company rules and let you go. Keep in mind that the DUI will make job hunting more difficult for you due to the customary background checks.

Insurance troubles

If the court suspended your driver’s license over the drunk driving charge, you will need to show proof of auto insurance for a reinstatement of driving privileges. The problem here is that your insurer may now regard you as a high-risk driver and either cancel your insurance or raise the premium rates substantially.

Making choices

In the state of Louisiana, a DUI arrest involves both criminal and administrative proceedings. With a conviction, you are not only looking at license suspension but also other harsh penalties. In view of the legal issues you face including that onerous mark on your record, this may be a good time to consider your choices and think about how a conviction could affect your future.