When police in Louisiana receive a tip that an allegedly stolen vehicle may have been involved in a crime, the police will be on the lookout for that vehicle. If the vehicle is spotted by police, they may pursue it, and this may end in a high speed chase. Anyone apprehended in such a chase may be in need of criminal defense.

The tip to the police stated that the men believed to be driving the black SUV were suspected of attempting to sell a handgun that the tipster said was involved in a shooting. The chase started in Abbeville, proceeded to Erath and ended with the SUV crashing into another vehicle in Lafayette. The occupants of the black SUV then fled on foot. They were apprehended by police.

Once apprehended, the men were taken into custody. Narcotics and a gun were allegedly found during the arrest. The gun was sent to be tested to see if it had been involved in another crime.

Being involved in a high speed chase and subsequent arrest can be a very stressful. When facing charges such as resisting arrest, possession of a controlled substance and a weapon, the level of stress will only increase. Someone who finds himself or herself in such a situation in Louisiana may benefit from seeking the counsel of a criminal defense attorney. A person is still presumed innocent in this country until found guilty – beyond a reasonable doubt – by a jury of his or her peers. A knowledgeable lawyer can review the facts of the case and advise his or her client on what legal options are available.