When marriages end, it is only natural for those involved to be emotional. Even the most amicable divorce can be a challenge to navigate. However, there are ways in which individuals in Louisiana and elsewhere can ease the trauma typically associated with divorce. The most difficult of all might be the advice to leave emotions at the door when engaging in divorce negotiations.

However, allowing judgment to be clouded by emotions can be detrimental to the decision-making process. Talking with advisors may help to work through the emotions before making important decisions. While emotions can be poured out to friends and family, advice about issues that can affect a person’s post-divorce financial stability may be best sought from attorneys and financial advisors.

Another piece of valuable advice is to avoid social media. Individuals who use sites such as Facebook to share emotions, blow off steam or show how they can continue partying despite the divorce may find such actions could come back to bite them. Irresponsible social media use can affect issues such as child custody, alimony and more. Even being “tagged” by others can be harmful.

Documenting texts, emails and other communication — including recorded calls — can be helpful in high-conflict cases. If a divorcing spouse can control these few aspects of divorce, and concentrate on helping any children involved to cope during this difficult time, the rest can be left to an experienced Louisiana family law attorney. With the appropriate support and guidance provided by a seasoned attorney, negotiations may run smoothly, and all parties may move into the new chapters of their lives without the typical scars of divorce.

Source: marriage.com, “3 Common Difficulties in a Divorce“, Accessed on Dec. 3, 2016