Charges were recently filed in Louisiana against a man who is believed to have committed drug crimes. Police said the man stored marijuana inside the lunchbox of a child. The man, who now faces two charges related to drugs, including a drug possession charge, is 27.

Police stopped the man along Louisiana 34 one day for committing a traffic law violation. Authorities said when they approached the car, they could smell marijuana coming from the car. The man inside the car then allegedly told police that he did have marijuana and where it could be found in the automobile.

Police said they found marijuana inside a lunchbox in the back seat. A child also happened to be there, too. The man now faces charges of possessing a drug and possessing a drug in a child’s presence.

It is within the rights of a person who faces a drug possession charge in Louisiana to go to trial to fight the charge. Prosecutors at trial must prove each element of the charge beyond a reasonable doubt — a feat that is often hard to do — before the accused person can be convicted. This standard is in place in an effort to keep innocent individuals from being convicted of crimes they did not do. Instead of going to trial, the accused person might decide to accept a plea deal if one is offered by prosecutors, as a plea deal may offer the benefit of lighter charges and/or a lighter sentence. In either situation, the criminal defense for the accused will work to ensure that his or her rights are honored and that his or her best interests are protected during the criminal proceeding.

Source:, “Louisiana man accused of storing drugs in child’s lunchbox“, Ashley Mott, April 26, 2016