Many Louisiana residents fear the repercussions that could follow a rape or sexual assault allegation against them. If you are facing allegations or are under investigation for a sex crime, you may expect to be sentenced to prison or to face other penalties that could damage your reputation, your career and your family life.

Our cultural climate puts prosecutors under intense public pressure to be tough on crime, particularly sex crimes such as rape, child pornography and Internet solicitation. Media scrutiny sometimes prompts prosecutors to take even the weakest cases. Public interest in your case may have resulted in charges against you even if there is little or no direct evidence connecting you to a crime.

Our attorneys are experienced in building strong defenses against even the toughest charges. We work closely with a team of professionals that includes private investigators, forensic and DNA analysts and expert witnesses to impeach the credibility of accusers and witnesses and challenge evidence against you. If you were accused of an Internet sex crime such as solicitation of a minor or possession or distribution of child pornography, we may be able to discover police entrapment or that another person remotely stored the material on your computer without your knowledge.

The attorneys at our firm understand the severity of the penalties that could result from a conviction for a sex crime, which may include lengthy prison sentences or registration as a sex offender. Either of these possibilities could be detrimental to your future career prospects and your ability to find housing. We will provide you with aggressive representation at every stage of the process, from the initial investigation through trial to an appeal if one should be necessary. For more information on the services that we offer in this regard, please see our page on sex offense charges.